Variety of learning experiences sustains interest in learning. In this circumstance, it is believed that use of flipbooks may be one such variety to break the monotony of traditional „chalk and talk‟ method of teaching and to ensure commitment in learning. In this connection, present study aims to (a) develop flipbook in biological concepts of VIII - X class (CBSE), (b) find out the effectiveness of these books in concept learning and (c) find out the opinion of pre-service teacher-trainees and teacher educators about the book. Biological concepts like nutrition in Amoeba, budding and locomotion in Hydra were depicted using clay models. Gradual changes in these processes were photographed, labeled and described; then printed, arranged serially and bounded as flipbook. Using flipbooks VIIIth class experimental group students learned the concepts of frog metamorphosis and nutrition in Amoeba and at the end a test was conducted. In addition, these books were also given to teacher educators (N=13), M.Ed (N=20) and B.Sc. B.Ed (N=89) teacher trainees and VIIIth class students (N=32) in order to get their opinion about the book. The results showed that average marks in both the concepts and in total were significantly higher in experimental group (8.65, 3.12 and 11.78 respectively) than in control group (4.25, 1.72 and 5.98 respectively). This displayed their better understanding of the concept which in turn indicated that flipbook can be an effective learning tool and can stimulate creativity. Further, the positive opinion of most of the volunteers reflected that flipbooks can be used as an instructional material and can facilitate active and self-learning. Additionally, it can raise students‟ curiosity and sustain interest in learning; hence, it is strongly recommended for the school teachers and students for effective and creative learning.