Varicose vein is quite common disease seen in 10% of general population. It presents as dilated, tortuous veins or telangiectasias with reticular varicosities. Various risk factors in development of varicose veins include female sex, obesity, inactivity and family history. Our study was conducted on 30 patients with below knee varicose veins satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, chosen from the in-patients of Surgery Department, J.S.S. Hospital, Mysore. Foam sclerotherapy was performed in below knee GSV with 3% polidocanol using TESSARI method. Patients were scored pre and post operatively with CEAP and duplex scan. Data was compared for CEAP grading, complications, pain scaling, cosmetic improvement, pre-operative and post operative duplex scan. Patients showed good cosmetic results with foam sclerotherapy as a significantly effective method for treatment of varicose veins. Side effects like haematoma, DVT and wound infection were not seen in our study.