Formulation, characterization and evaluation of topical gel containing miconazole nitrate for fungal infection

Research Article
G. Hariharaputhraayyanar*., C.Arivazhagan., A. Bhuvaneshwaran., M. Dhanush., J. Jayabharath., T. Keerthan and V. Manikandan
Miconazole Nitrate, Carbopol 934, Guar Gum, Topical Gel, invitro Diffusion Studies, Antifungal Activity.

Miconazole is an imidazole derivative and used for the treatment of local and synthetic fungal infection. The oral use of miconazole is not recommended as it has many side effects. The miconazole topical gel formulation is made for better patient compliance and to reduce the dose of drug and to avoid side effects like liver damage and kidney damage. Gel was formulated by using different polymers. FT-IR study confirmed the purity of drug and revealed no interaction between the drug and excipient.Agelconsistsofacross-linkedpolymernetworkthatis swollen in a liquid medium, with its properties being significantly influenced by the intersection between the solid-state polymer and the liquid component. The gel was formulated by using different gelling agent like Carbopol 934, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) K4M and HPMC E15, guar gum the gel formulation was evaluated for their drug content, PH determination, in vitro diffusion properties, and anti-fungal efficiency.