Objective: To formulate and evaluate floating tablets of Etodolac, a gastro retentive drug delivery system. Floating matrix tablets of Etodolac were developed to prolong gastric residence time. Materials and methods: Floating matrix tablets containing 500 mg Etodolac were developed using different polymeric combinations. The tablets were prepared by direct compression method, using polymer such as HPMC K4M, HPMC K15M, and HPMC K100M. Formulations were prepared by varying the amount of polymers. Sodium bicarbonate was incorporated as a gas-generating agent. The effects of sodium bicarbonate on drug release profile and floating properties were investigated. Results and Discussion: The Preformulation blend showed good flow properties with good angle of repose, bulk density and tapped density parameters. All the prepared formulations were tested for physical parameters like Hardness, thickness, Weight Variation, Friability and found to be within the Pharmacopoeias limits. The drug content of all the formulations was determined and was found to be within the permissible limit. This study indicated that all the prepared formulations were good. The ED6 formulation was considered as optimized formulation on the basis of acceptable tablet properties, floating lag time and total duration of floating up to more than 12 hrs and in vitro drug release. Conclusion: As a result of this study it may be concluded that the floating tablets using a polymer in optimized concentration can be used to increase the GRT of the dissolution fluid in the stomach to deliver the drug in a controlled manner.