Background: the erb's palsied children suffer from reaching problems that interfere with ADL's, Objective :The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of FESversus PEMF on reaching Erb's palsied children. Methodology: Thirty Erb's palsied children (14 girls and 16 boys) ranging in age from three to five years participated in this study. They were divided randomly into two groups of equal numbers (Study A and Study B). The Study group A was treated by FES, while the study group B was treated by PEMF. Both groups received the traditional exercise program. Evaluation was carried out for each child individually before and after three months of application, It included 3D analysis. Also every child evaluated by the modified functional scale of reaching to detect the functional improvement of the evaluated reaching task. Results revealed significant improvement in most of the measuring variables (p< 0.05) pre and post treatment in both groups with higher percentage of improvement of the study group A. Conclusion: improvement in the study group A may be attributed to the effect of FES during the exercise program. So it is considered a beneficial adjunct with the traditional line of treatment in habilitation of reaching function in the Erb's palsied children