Aim: To assay genotoxic activity of walnut oil on oral cancer cell line. Objective: This study is to analyse the genotoxicity of walnut oil on oral cancer cell line by DNA fragmentation. The genotoxicity of walnut oil on oral cancer cell line is to be studied. Background: Genotoxicityis a word in genetics defined as a destructive effect of a compound on a cell’s genetic material (DNA, RNA) affecting its integrity. Genotoxins are mutagens; they can cause mutations. Genotoxins include both radiation and chemical genotoxins. Walnut oil (Juglans regina) is the most important of the commercially available products of walnuts for organic farming and medicines. Walnut is unique in that, unlike most other vegetable oils, it closely resembles sebum, a waxy substance produced by our skin glands, so it can act as a natural skin conditioner. It has nearly replaced animal fats in the manufacture of skin lotions and creams. The genotoxic substance invades the nucleus and causes damage to the nucleic acid. This changes caused can be viewed by DNA fragmentation. This study is to analyse the genotoxicity of walnut oil on oral cancer cell line by DNA fragmentation. The genotoxicity of walnut oil on oral cancer cell line was studied. Reasons: Oral cancer has become very prevalent nowadays. This research was done to see if walnut oil can be effective against oral cancer cell line. Result: From the above experiment and research it was proved that walnut oil has the potential to be an anti carcinogenic drug.