Global warming is the observed and projected increase in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere and oceans. The earth’s average global temperature has increased by 0.6oC in the last 140 years. Fine dust or aerosol particles floating high in the atmosphere can alter the heat balance of the earth by reflecting away the incoming solar heat, thereby making the surface cooler and by reflecting the escaping heat down towards the surface making it warmer. The balance of these two effects depends on the nature of the dust, season and time of the day for example a dust layer may tend to make the summer cooler and the winter warmer. The atmosphere is substantially influenced by the action of UVradiation in ozone and water vapour. The main causes of global warming are greenhouse gases, power plants, population explosion, deforestation, transport sector and wet land destruction.Global warming has effects and consequences on all walks of life. The consequences of global warming can be seen in the atmospheric weather, local climate change, glacier retreat and disappearance, oceans, seal level rise, acidification, forest fires, ozone depletion, agriculture, water scarcity as well as the health of individuals. An increase of 2oC in temperature could decrease the rice yield by about 0.75 t/ha and 0.5oC increase in winter temperature reduce wheat yield 0.45 t/ha. Results have showed that about 7.4, 8.7 and 9.8 per cent of total cumulative CO2, SO2 and NO2 emission respectively could be avoided between 1997 and 2015 by using efficient appliances.