Green Synthesis Of Antimicrobial Compounds From Marine Macro Algae Against Multidrug Resistant Human Pathogens

Research Article
Thamizharasan S
P.gymnosphora, Disc diffusion E.coli, S.aureus Macro algae and Chloroform

The ethno pharmacological efficacy of marine medicinal macro algae Padina gymnosphora was examined using agar disc diffusion assay against human pathogenic bacterial species, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrobial compounds of P.gymnosphora were extracted using chloroform as a solvent. Disc diffusion assay of chloroform extract of the algae with inhibition zone of E.coli(12mm), S.aureus (9mm) and Standard antibiotics Gentamycin (10mm) was observed. A high level inhibition of E. coli was found in chloroform solvent extracts of P.gymnosphora. In case of S. aureus, moderate inhibition of 9 mm was obtained. The results were found to be effective on tested two human pathogens.