This paper examines the hydro chemical facies and quality of Groundwater present at different locations in East Godavari district. Groundwater the only major source for domestic, consumption, industries, agriculture and aquaculture etc. In the coastal areas of southern India, where the majority of the population, which is rural or semi-urban, rely on groundwater sources for their domestic agricultural and aqua cultural activities. All these activities together with the various other natural and anthropogenic influences are responsible for invigorating the aquifers vulnerable to contamination. Quality of drinking water supplies has always been a vital concern. An alarming growth rate in the density of the population, urbanization, industrialization and agricultural activities skyrocket the usage and demand for water to such an extent that even the Groundwater quality is being degraded. According to WHO, about 80% of all the diseases in human beings are water borne. Hence 348 samples from the open wells and dug wells distributed all over the district were collected, analyzed and calculated for the quality index. GIS a powerful computational tool not only facilitates data capture but also facilitates spatial map integrations. In this research ground water quality analysis was carried out for 58 mandals of the District, the analysed results were used to calculate the Water Quality Index (WQI) to find the suitability of water for potability and agriculture, and using ARC GIS 10.2 VERSION water quality mapping was done. Groundwater samples analysed show quality exceedance in terms of Electrical conductivity, Total Hardness, Chlorides, and TDS.