India spends a huge amount on health sectors with a large number of preventive and curative schemes for women but women’s health indicators still show a poor trend especially the menopausal transition and the post reproductive health. Hence the present study was undertaken with the objectives -To study the health seeking behaviour among women; To compare the health seeking behaviour of women both district wise and ethnicity wise; and To study the relationship of various dimensions of Women’s Health Seeking Behaviour with her personal and socio-economic variables. The sample comprises of 600 women of Jammu, in the age range of 35-65 years, selected through multistage sampling technique from the rural, urban and tribal areas of Jammu province.Health Seeking Behaviour Checklist (HSBC) and SES Scale were used to collect the data which was subjected to statistical analysis. The analysis of Health Seeking Behaviour Checklist (HSBC) shows that most of the respondents from Jammu show moderate level of health seeking whereas respondents from Kathua show low level of health seeking behaviour. Most of the urban and tribal respondents show moderate level of health seeking behaviour but most of the rural respondents show low level of health seeking behaviour. Health Seeking Behaviour is significantly positively related with variables such as type of family, respondent’s age at marriage and age at first pregnancy and their Self-Esteem whereas it is negatively related with SES and number of children the respondents has.