· Its important to find out what are the major risk factors for Asthma in children and can we prevent them in future?
· Our study try to analyze connection between environmental allergens to asthma, specially in children living in Textile industrial area.
Methodology: We preformed a cross sectional observational study from June 2012 to June 2017 in which asthma symptoms were defined according IAP-ATM module, GINA guidelines. Like recurrent cough, nocturnal cough, rhinitis, breathlessness were noted The association between Towel-Chaddar industry and prevalence of asthma symptoms were calculated. -The Present study consist of randomly selected 1416 babies attending respiratory clinic in last 5 years.
Results--We included total 1146 children of asthma coming for respiratory clinic in last 5 years
· 361 are from industrial area & near that.
· 785 children are from other areas of 4 districts.
· Asthma symptoms were recorded in these children.
· The prevalence of asthma symptoms is more in these children (31.5%), may be associated with allergens in the form of cotton fibres, dyes & other raw material used in this industry.
Our findings suggest that the children living in MIDC industrial area in Solapur, where there is lot of chaddar and towel industry have more risk factor for developing asthma than other children. They need higher doses of inhalers & more prolonged therapy than other babies to become symptom free. They develop more acute exacerbation than other babies.