In today’s world regular monitoring of disease is necessary and more over when, it is related to our respiration rate. There are ample numbers of medical devices developed to keep check on human health condition. Vital signs are measurements of the body's most simple functions. Vital signs in our body are Blood Oxygen level, Temperature, Heart Rate and Breath Rate. Vital signs can be measured in a medical setting, at home, at the site of a medical emergency, or elsewhere. The System uses data acquisition of vital signs using non-invasive approach, wireless transmission of the data, results display and their interpretation. Health of a Patient can be monitored based on vital signs. Vital signs can be used to monitor patient’s health condition. This paper aims at the techniques used to measure respiration rate of human body for example digital temperature sensor, thermistor etc., and the respiration rate is measured with the help of temperature sensor a Digital temperature sensor which monitor the little change in temperature during inhalation & exhalation.