The study tries to explore the impact of Human-Elephant Conflict (HEC)on the rural household economy in Rajda mouza of Sonamukhi block of Bankura district. Although the household income of the residents mainly depend on agricultural activities but various agricultural products like paddy, wheat, potato, grounds, cauliflower and other vegetables are damaged by wild elephants and decline the household income of the native people in the study area. About 99% of the respondents reported that crop damage problem due to elephants is increasing day by day because of insufficient food and water in the forest area and the changing land use pattern of the people. Besides agricultural activity, collection of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) are also measured as the source of rural household economy in the study area. NTFPs collectors are also directly (death, injury) and indirectly (fear of death, injury) influenced by elephants in concerned mouza. This research article is an empirical investigation to chalk out how agro-based and forest-based rural household economy of the poor villagers is significantly affected due to HEC.