The Study of Ichthyofaunal Diversity observed in Peddagadda Reservoir from June 2021 to May 2022. The study results revealed that the occurrence of forty one species belongs to seven orders, 17 families, and 27 genera, including three exotic species. The order Cypriniformes accounted for 46.34% of all species, followed by Siluriformes (21.95%), Perciformes (17.07%), Channiformes (7.31%), Osteoglossiformes (2.43%), and Anguilliformes (2.43%). According to the IUCN, 82.93% of species are classified as least concern (LC), while 9.75% are classified as near threatened (NT), not evaluated (NE), data deficient (DD), and vulnerable (VU). The Shannon-Wiener diversity index of fish species in Peddagadda Reservoir was higher in the post-monsoon and monsoon seasons. The number and composition of population status and CAMP status have been thoroughly studied. Derelict fishing is being observed and raised awareness among fisher flocks.