The Image Building Of The Indonesian Police On Twitter @Tmcpoldametro In Improving The Performance And Quality Of Public Communication

Research Article
Madinia Wismi K., Yulia Candra K and Raden Bambang Eko
Social Media, Twitter @TMCPoldaMetro, Public Communication

One of the characters in new media environment is a shift from collective audience mass satisfaction to group or individual satisfaction. The delivery of messages through the media also significantly changes. Media that previously serves as the information center and the information is given and publicized in one-way manner, is now more interactive. Audiences are involved and asked to be more active since technology can make interactions in the media happen. Social media changes the way of the public communicates, interacts, and collaborates at the local, national as well as international levels. Social media offers a faster and more appropriate way to participate in the exchange of public information online. Twitter @TMCPoldaMetro has been verified and obtained the blue thick, which means that it is the official account of Ditlantas (Directorate of Traffic) Polda Metro Jaya (Metro Jaya Regional Police). An account, which is simple, with unlimited number of Follower, with unlimited number of status updates (tweets), and has 7.84 million Followers. It indicates that people need to know the current condition of traffic, that the community recognizes the existing functions of the Polri (Indonesian National Police) and they accept the benefits, that TMC Polda Metro has become part of people's lives. The Twitter @TMCPoldaMetro, during Period 1 May 2018 uses hashtag #MayDayIsAFunDay, the theme promoted by the Ministry of Manpower Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in 2018 because the struggle of the workers is a long-term struggle and requires stamina so that it requires strong endurance and intends to invite all employment stakeholders to celebrate the International Labor Day with various, positive and cheerful activities. Public communication is aimed at giving information to a large number of people about the organization, the organization's activities and products. It is also aimed at establishing relationship between the organization and communities outside the organization.