Impact Of Fl Ds Of Soybean Production Technology In Narmada District

Research Article
Poshiya V. K., Jadav H. R and Raj A.D
Front line demonstration, Benefit cost ratio, soybean.

A study was undertaken to assess the performance of the frontline demonstrations by krishi vigyan kendra on soybean crop in adoptive village of Narmada district. Soybean is an important oilseed crop that is widely grown as a valuable source of protein and oil for human nutrition in the world. However, its productivity is very low, due to non-adoption of improved technologies. Front line demonstrations on soybean were conducted on an area of 0.24 ha. Each from kharif season 2012-13 to 2015-16 at various farmer’s fields. The mean of five years in demonstration plots of improved technologies gave higher yields (20.00 Q /h) over farmer’s practice. Highest net returns of Rs. 36951 ha-1 with B:C ratio of 3.80 were obtained in demonstration plots as compared to farmer’s practice Rs. 28917 ha-1 and 3.40,respectively. There was a larger impact of the technology over the farmer’s practice. By conducting front line demonstrations of proven technologies yield, water use efficiency and net income of soybean can be enhanced to a great extent.