Today’s workplace environment is contaminated with pessimistic tendencies such as distrust, jealous, hatred, greed, unhealthy competition, and so on. This situation has lead to erosion of values in corporate. The time is now ripe to think of those spiritual attributes as a tailor made instrument to improve the qualitative output of an individual and corporates. A spiritual input enhances the understanding and improves the quality of an individual in terms of behaviour, attitude, character, understanding and so on. Here the behavioural aspects of human resource development have to be transformed through spiritual approach. Keeping this in mind a study was framed to measure the impact of workplace spirituality and the detailed theoretical and analytical discussion has made it clear that spiritual aspects should be integrated with human resource development strategies. There are various methods of executing it and they can be broadly categorized into direct and indirect methods. Though the corporates can use both direct and indirect methods for embedding spirituality in their human resource development strategies it is not free from problems and difficulties. They are posing challenges which are multiple, multidimensional and interrelated. To examine the objectives of the study primary data and relevant secondary data have been collected. Respondents were drawn from the employees of information technology companies around Coimbatore city.