The social transformation is a dynamic process which involves changes in all segments of the society. Tran-nationalism helps in creating social relations among people living across borders. It initiates social transformation which consists of changes in social, cultural, economic and political areas of society. It also fosters friendship ties between different countries. The present paper highlights the increasing tendency among migrants to maintain social relations with their country of origin and destination. These social relations created by migrants’ results in social transformation which needs to be understood in the present scenario as we are moving towards creating a social world beyond geographical boundaries. The key component of social transformation process is the creation and maintenance of balanced self and the channels of interaction, communication and awareness. By facilitating interaction and developing social relationships, the migrants create better understanding of different cultures and social norms. The paper also highlights the various social and psychological challenges faced by migrants. When the social relationships are maintained through consistent social interaction by using different channels of communication then it increases the adaptive capacities of the people leading to social transformation. IUAS² Model proposed in the paper highlights various stages of the formation of the trans-national social relations.