The aim of the study was evaluated the influence of varied intensities of game specific circuit training on speed and agility among college male handball players. We have selected thirty (30) male handball players from Alpha College of Engineering, Thirumazhisai, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. These subjects were randomly distributed into three groups namely moderate intensity game specific circuit training group (MIGSCTG: N=10), high intensity game specific circuit training group (HIGSCTG: N=10) and control group (CG = 10). The selected Players had 3.8 + 3.1 year of playing experience and regularly participate in training prior to the commencement of this study speed and agility were selected as dependent variables. Speed was measure by 30 meter sprint and agility through T- test. Game specific circuit training group was administered 3 days per week for eight week. The collected data was evaluated using two way repeated measure ANOVA on last factor. The result of the study showed that speed and agility the groups remained unaltered significantly, indicating that there was no significant difference among the groups. It is concluded that eight weeks of game specific circuit training failed to show impact on moderate and high intensity group. However, speed and agility remained unaffected on both the training groups.