Objective: It was proposed to identify the influence that attitudes have surrounding the transition of licit and illicit drugs consumption in young people. Method: An study of cases and controls was performed. The sample was made up by 280 participants who formed two groups, the first one, young people who haven't had the transition of licit and illicit drug abuse (210) and the second one, young people who have already had transition of illicit drugs (70). Results: Significant differences were found in the attitudes (U=4877.5,p<.001) among young people who have experienced illicit drugs (70).Results: Significant differences were found in the attitudes (U=4877.5,p<.001) among young people who have experienced illicit drugs(X̄=38.SD=19.78)and the ones who haven't(X̄=27.32.SD=19.78)highlighting more positive attitudes in the consumption of illicit drugs in the young people who have experienced them, the lineal regression model showed a positive effect of the attitudes towards the transition of the consumption of illicit drugs (β=.029, p<.001). Conclusions: The results of this study showedthat the positive attitudes towards the consumption of illicit drugs work as predicting factors to the transition of licit and illicit drugs consumption, whereby the development of interventions can be improved, focused towards the prevention of this phenomenon.