Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis is a common dicroglossid frog found throughout the Indian subcontinent and is the native frog of Kashmir. This frog is a highly aquatic and littoral species found in marshes, pools and various other wetlands. Chromosomal complements of both male and female specimens were analyzed using conventional Giemsa staining, Cbanding and NOR banding. The karyotypes prepared formed of 13 pairs biarmed homologous chromosomes (2n=26) largely forming a graded series and thereby the fundamental arm number was NF=52. The chromosomes of this species got divided into two groups; the first group comprised of the pairs of large chromosomes 1-5 and second group had the pairs 6-13 of smaller chromosomes. Of these, chromosomes of pairs 2, 3, 4 (from first group), 9, 10 and 11 (from second group) were submetacentric; the remainder were metacentric and the chromosomal formula for the species is n=7M+6SM. C-banding analysis revealed the presence of centromeric C-bands in all the chromosomes of the karyotype while secondary constrictions were evident on the long arm of pair 10. Results of the present study have scientific and practical significance complementary to biochemical and molecular studies in
animal taxonomy.