Forage crops play an important role in livestock production. The commonly available fodders are Lucerne, Berseem, Maize, Oats, Pearl millet, Cowpea, Sorghum, tree leaves and shrubs. Extension system had played a crucial role in enhancing milk production. However, there still exists a wide gap between the technology available with the research system and its’ adoption at farmers’ fields. Therefore, an effort was made to find out the adoption gap in fodder production in Bundelkhand region. The data was collected from 80 respondents by interview method with the help of pre -tested schedule from two districts of UP part of Bundelkhand. It was found that all the respondents grow berseem as a fodder in rabi season while 67.2 percent grow sorghum fodder in kharif and other crops like oats, barley, maize, guar etc grown by some respondents in the study area. For adoption of berseem production for fodder, the adoption gap was varied in different activities as a minimum for land preparation (16.25%) and maximum for Weedicide use as 95.56% and storage of fodder as 98.33% with average adoption gap was observed as 56.95%. The main reason for non adoption of fodder production technologies was small land holdings followed by less irrigation. The study further indicated that there was significant difference between knowledge and adoption gap with regard to adoption of fodder production practices.