The Knowledge And Attitude Of Dental Students Towards Hiv/Aids Patients

Research Article
Sumalatha M.N and Gadiputi Sreedhar
HIV/AIDS, Dental students, Knowledge, attitude

Aim; To investigate a group of dental students’ knowledge about HIV infection, attitudes towards treating HIV/AIDS patients and behaviour practices.

Materials and methods; study population consisted of 180 dental students from BabuBanarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, Luck now. Who were treating patients in the clinics of the college? They were divided into 3 group’s undergraduate students, post graduate students and interns. Standardized questionnaire was prepared and questions were based on 3 groups, i.e. knowledge and awareness, clinical manifestations of HIV and diagnosis & prognosis.

Results; out of 180 participants, majority had good knowledge regarding modes of HIV transmission, most of them willing to work and assist patients with HIV/AIDS.

Conclusion; the findings suggest that although students had good knowledge about HIV/AIDS, their attitude towards treating these patients was negative because of fear of transmission of this HIV infection to them.