Background of the study
Learning disability (LD) is a general term that describes specific kinds of learning problems. A learning disability can cause a person to have trouble in learning and using certain skills. The skills most often affected are reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning, and doing maths. Learning disabilities vary from person to person, one person with learning disability may not have the same kind of learning problems as another person with learning disability. It is usually identified among preschool and primary school children although it tends to progress into adult hood. Globally it still remains as “one of the least understood and most debated conditions that affect children. To serve the needs of the children with learning disability most effectively, all preservice teachers should have a thorough knowledge on learning disability and various instrument techniques to assist such children in general education classrooms.
1. To determine the knowledge of teachers regarding specific learning disabilities among children in selected schools at Mangalore. 2. To determine the attitude of teachers towards specific learning disabilities among children in selected schools at Mangalore. 3. To find out the association between knowledge score and selected demographic variables. 4. To find out the association between attitude of teachers and selected demographic variables
A descriptive study design was adopted to assess the knowledge and attitude among 50 school teachers in selected schools at Mangalore. The sampling technique used was non probability convenient sampling technique. The sample comprised of 50 school teachers. The tools used were demographic performa, structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude scale. The content validity of the tool was established in consultation with experts from the field of Mental Health Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Psychiatric Medicine. Reliability of the tool was tested by using Karl Pearson’s correlation co-efficient and it was found to be reliable. Pilot study was conducted to find out the feasibility of the study. Data collected from the samples were analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics..
The study revealed that majority of teachers (58%) was in the age group of 20-30 years. Majority of teachers(86%) were females. Most of them (62%) were with B.Ed qualification. Maximum percentage of sample were with (48%) having 0-3 years of experience. Majority of the teachers (56%) were married. Most of the teachers(54%) are had child psychology in their curriculum. Majority of teachers (60%) are not attended inservice education on problems of learning. Majority of teachers (86%) are not having family history of learning disabilities and few of them (14%) has relatives with learning disability. Majority of teachers (64%) had average knowledge regarding specific learning disability. Majority of teachers (94%) had a most favourable attitude. There was no significant association between knowledge score and selected demographic variables such as age, gender, educational qualification, years of experience, marital