Background and objectives: Needle stick injuries pose a significant risk of transmission of blood borne pathogens. The study was carried out to assess the knowledge, awareness and prevalence of needle stick injury among undergraduates, postgraduates and nursing students of medical college of Uttarakhand. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted among undergraduates, postgraduates and nursing students (100 in each category) of the SRHU, Uttarakhand, India. Data was collected on a pretested structured questionnaire distributed among the students which consisted of questions to assess the knowledge and awareness towards needle stick injuries.
Results: A total of 300 students participated in the study and completed the questionnaire. Out of these, needle prick injury was reported in 6 undergraduates, 7 postgraduates and 20 nursing students in past twelve months. Out of 300 students, 22% (66) knew the definition of needle stick injury and 58.6% (176) knew the immediate measure to be taken i.e. to wash the wound with soap and water. Out of the 33 students who contracted NSI, 38.5% cannot remember the cause of needle stick injury, while 34.9% mentions the cause of NSI due to the carelessness/accident and 21.7% reports the NSI due to poor disposal of needle. Only 56.6% reported the incident, whereas only 21.7 filled an incident report at integrated counselling and testing centre.
Conclusions: NSI were observed in all categories of Health care workers. Elimination of unnecessary injections, prohibition of recapping, proper disposal and careful handling of sharps following universal work precautions strictly are effective measures of preventing NSI.