knowledge on leukemia, the stress and coping stratagies of mothers with leukemic children undergoing treatment in a selected cancer institute, india

Research Article
Geetha. C
Leukemia, Stressors, Coping strategies, Adaptation model, Holistic Approach, Chronic illness.

Childhood Leukemia affects the entire family. It affects mainly the mothers. The mothers are facing various problems such as higher degree of anxiety, depression, feeling of guilty, Inferiority and social Isolation due to chronic illness of their children. The objectives are to assess the knowledge of mothers on Leukemia. To identify the stress experienced by the mothers with Leukemic children. To determine the coping strategies adapted by the mothers with Leukemic children. To relate the demographic characteristics with the stressors faced by the mothers with Leukemic children. To correlate the demographic characteristics with the coping strategies adapted by the mothers with Leukemic children. To compare the knowledge, stress and coping strategies of mother with Leukemic children.

Methodology Quantitative non- experimental descriptive survey was adapted, the study was conducted among 40 mothers of leukemic children in selected cancer institute, Adyar, Chennai. Probability Random Sampling Technique was used and data collected through a semi-structured interview schedule. The Study Findings shown, the mother’s knowledge regarding leukemia was 43%. The stress faced by mothers with Leukemic children was 71.8% 60% of mothers were adapted coping strategies. No significant relationship between socio demographic variables with stress faced by the mothers. Significant relationship between coping strategies adapted by the mothers with socio demographic variables High degree of significant positive correlation existing between mothers knowledge with coping strategies adapted by the mothers. low degree of significant positive correlation existing between mothers knowledge and stress faced by the mothers.