Land resources provide basic amenities to human society. Puruliya is the western most district of West Bengal falling plateau area and having undulating terrain. The main objective of the study is to integrate the functional attributes of land for land evaluation for sustainable land management. Functional attributes of land are integrated in GIS environment and generated three land management units: unit-I (good quality land), unit-II (moderate quality land), and unit-III (poor quality land). Management unit-II & unit-III cover almost equal area (about 45% area of the total geographical area) and unit-I cover nearly 10% area. Land management unit-I(good) & unit-II (moderate quality land) has highest priority for sustainable management as it has enough potentiality to develop the land for agriculture, agro-forestry and related activities through efficient use of water, use of bio-fertiliser and phosphorus rich fertiliser along with lime due to lack of phosphorus content in soil.