Laser Management of Traumatic Fibroma with Methylene Blue Assessment: A Case Report

Case Study
Dr. Dhruti Shah., Dr. Aishwarya Kotkar and Dr. Sangeeta Muglikar
Traumatic fibroma, re-epithelization, diode laser, methylene blue assay, case report.

Introduction: This article depicts the clinical presentation, diagnosis, management, and reepithelialization assessment of a fibroma; a fibrotic lesion of the gingiva and oral mucosa that can cause aesthetic and functional issues. Case report: The case report involves laser excision of a painless, firm growth on the lower front region of the jaw, caused by trauma or irritation. The lesion was histologically confirmed as originating from the oral mucosa and healing was assessed using methylene blue assay. Conclusion: The case highlights the importance of proper diagnosis, biopsy, and histologic evaluation in managing oral fibrotic lesions.