The present study is an attempt to find out the relationship between preferred learning style of students to certain demographic variables like gender, place of living, religion and parents’ educational level. The study was conducted on the sample of 300 secondary school students of Aligarh District. For the purpose, the researchers used the ‘Learning Style Inventory’ developed by Jaffery Barsch (1996). Since the data was on nominal scale, Chi- Square test was employed to analyze the data. The findings of the study revealed that the most preferred learning style of secondary school students was Visual (45.7%) followed by Auditory (21%), Tactile (18.3%) and kinesthetic (15%). Moreover, the study revealed that there was no significant impact of certain demographic variables like gender, place of living, religion and educational level of father on the learning style preferences of secondary school students. However, significant impact of mothers’ educational level on the learning style preferences of these students was reported in the study. The findings of the study would provide better understanding to the teachers to construct curriculum, planning of lessons and to teach according to students’ learning styles. These findings are important not only in shaping teaching practices but also in highlighting issues that help policy makers, administrators, curriculum framers, stakeholders, parents and faculty members to think more deeply about their role in facilitating student learning.