Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory, proliferative skin disease characterized by pathological skin lesions due to various exogenous and endogenous factors. It is associated with a number of biochemical and immunological disturbances. Recently, it has been suggested that increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and compromised function of antioxidant system may be involved in the pathogenesis of this disease. This study was an attempt to detect the levels of antioxidants as well as to assess the possible role of lipid peroxidation in patients with psoriasis. It was a case control study of seventy five (clinically proved and histopathological confirmed) psoriatic patients and an equal number of age and sex matched normal healthy individuals served as controls. All the subjects were interviewed as per the proforma designed. The study compared lipid peroxidation product in the form of Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and antioxidant status in the form of Superoxide dismutase (SOD) in psoriatic patients and healthy controls. The results were tabulated and the data was analyzed statistically to draw the relevant inferences.