Hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (HTMABr) was used as a carrier for the transport of Chromium (VI) ions through a isoamyl alcohol bulk liquid membrane. HTMABr - isoamyl alcohol (1:1 ratio) was found to be suitable liquid membrane for Cr (VI) transport. The membrane was kept in contact with acidic feed phase and alkaline strip phase. The transport efficiency increased with increasing carrier concentration from 1.0 x 10-2 mol/L to 6 x10-2 mol/L. The following parameters such as the effect of pH of the so((urce phase, the nature of stripping agents in the receiving phase, (NaNOӡ solution), concentration of HTAB in membrane, rate of stirring, effect of transport time, type of solvent, effect of temperature, then Cr (VI) concentration in feed phase were examined. Maximum transport efficiency was observed for Cr (VI) ion when it was present in the concentration of 10 mg/L. At high stirring speed (300rpm) the Cr (VI) transport from the feed phase to the strip phase was completed within 5 h at 27°C