The real world application is mainly depends on Wireless Sensor networks (WSNs).The Data Collection Scheme is the major task used in WSN. In Earlier system The Velocity Energy-efficient and Link-aware Cluster-Tree (VELCET) scheme and dynamic clustering scheme is used for data collection in WSNs. The VELCET scheme failed to mitigate the problems of coverage distance, mobility, delay, traffic, tree intensity and end-to-end connection. On the other hand the VELCT select the cluster head statically. Then the dynamic clustering used to select the cluster head dynamically. At a certain amount of time, the clustering changes the cluster head dynamically. The Data Collection Tree (DCT) used to collect the information and tree formation is initiated. The dynamic cluster head is formed based on the tree formation formed in the cluster. The Proposed scheme minimizes the energy exploitation, reduces the end-to-end delay and traffic in cluster head in WSNs by effective usage of the DCT. Adding security to dynamic protocols is challenging because they dynamically, randomly, and periodically rearrange the network’s clusters and data links. Therefore, providing steady long-lasting node-to-node trust Relationships and common key distributions are inadequate for dynamic CH protocols. The proposed system uses the concept named SNCAHDA (Securing Node Capture Attacks for Hierarchical Data Aggregation). The key idea of SNCAHDA is it does not changes from static CH to dynamic CH rather it maintain the processing center for each static CH. In case of failure of static CH the processing center acts as a backup device and provides the data without network or node failure. This scheme also authenticate the encrypted sensed data, by applying digital signatures to message packets, which are efficient in communication and applying the key management for security