Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV), is a congenital structural deformity characterized by abnormal tendon and muscle development which leads to abnormal alignment of the feet.The study aimed to explore lived experiences on use of corrective braces among parents of children diagnosed with clubfoot in Northern states of India. Aphenomeno logical research design was usedto collect the qualitative data by adopting a purposive (maximum variation) sampling technique. In-depth interviews method used until data saturation from 21 parents of clubfoot children in AIIMS, Rishikesh. The findings of the study showed that the lived experiences among parents of children diagnosed with clubfoot on use of corrective braces reflected under six main themes which were “Personal experiences of using corrective braces”, “Challenges and barriers while applying corrective braces”, “Impacts of corrective braces on personal and social life”, “Perceived responses of parents & children towards corrective brace’, “Any other experience” & “Knowledge about clubfoot”. The study concluded that parents were facing few issues namely relapse due to nonadherence, financial burden because of lack of awareness regarding its free treatment, traveling distance, and noticeably more, which needs to be attended by health care professionals.