Maintenance Phase – The Lifeline Of Dental Implants

Research Article
Akshaya Narayanan and Jaishree Tukaram Kshirsagar
Implant maintenance, Diagnostic Parameters in implant maintenance phase, Home care regimen for implants, Professional care of implants.

Peri-implant hard and soft tissues have such an anatomical framework that they are more prone to inflammation and bone loss when compared to natural teeth. After the surgical phase of implant placement, the emphasis is not only on adequate osseointegration, but is also conjoined with adequate maintenance of the mucoperiosteal-implant seal and peri-implant health. This review highlights the monitoring protocols for effective maintenance of implants to ensure long term success. Preliminary assessment starts with updating patient’s medical and dental history. Clinical evaluation should be done in every recall visit and radiographic evaluation can be done as and when required. After reaching a diagnosis, appropriate non- surgical or surgical treatment should be performed with the aim of maintaining implant health and survival, curbing peri-mucositis and/or peri-implantitis progression and its reversibility. Collaborating good professional care with patient’s home care is the key for longevity of an implant.