Parapharyngeal space tumours are rare and account for 0.5% of all head and neck tumours. Of these, 80% being benign. Most common tumours are salivary gland neoplasms, arising from deep lobe of parotid or minor salivary gland rests, followed by neurogenic tumours such as schwannomas and paragangliomas of poststyloid compartment. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for parapharyngeal tumours. Surgery of PPS tumors requires adequate exposure to identify and protect the anatomic vital structures. Several surgical approaches to PPS are described including transcervical, transcervical-transparotid, transcervical- transmandibular (Mandibular swing) and transoral approaches. The purpose of this rare case series is to share our experience with various approaches for parapharyngeal tumours. And use of Mandibular swing as a novel approach for parapharyngeal tumour exposure and disease clearance.