Our current understanding of the potential impact of nanomaterials and their potentiality to remediate/nullify their toxic forms by naturally available scavenger is limited. Nature has its ways of resolving imbalances in the environment and organisms are one of the best tools of nature to eliminate toxic pollutants. The biological process of eliminating pollutants (bioremediation) with activities of earthworms and associated gut micro-biome may translate to improve bioremediation process and to improve soil health. Metagenomics is a recent field of science came into lime light since a decade and offers a potential way to access microbial diversity. The development of metagenomics stemmed from the evidence that yet difficult to cultivate microorganisms represents the vast majority of organisms. The field of metagenomics opens way to study genetic material directly from the environmental samples. DNA sequencing and synthesis technologies are making it possible to read and write and the huge amount of data obtained from the genome sequencing inevitably require bioinformatics tools to handle and further process them for analysis. This make possible to identify unculturable microorganism of earthworms that may possible to clean-up environment.