The assessment of effluent generated from textile industries. The effluent was analyzed for Biological Oxygen(BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD), total solid, suspended solid, dissolved solid, colour and odour prior to biological treatment with bacterial culture of M1, M2, and M3. The product of biological treatment was analyzed after two days of treatment. The result revealed that the effluent was initially high BOD, COD, TS, DS, and SS and colour intensity. The bioremediation method used in this work has significantly reduced COD to well below 150 mg/l and BOD 25 ml/l which are the upper limit for disposal. The result indicated remarkable overall COD reduction from 870 mg/l to 150 mg/l, BOD 375 mg/l to 25 mg/l and 89% decolorization. High effectiveness was attained within 24 hours and 48 hours of incubation at room temperature at neutral pH. Optimum decolorization took place strictly under aerobic conditions.