Multi-Eclectic Approach To Scuffle Diabetic Retinopathy

Research Article
Ratnagiri Devarapu and Murali G
Bo-informatics, Biology, Drug Discovery, Diabetic Retinopathy, Multiple Alignment.

Bioinformatics is the amalgamation of biology computer science and information technology which has become an integral part of research and development in a variety of areas like functional genomics, proteomics, drug discovery and pharmacogenomics. By the analysis of phylogram, it is observed that proteins with minimum distance are cortistatin, VDR and somatostain. In this paper, diabetic retinopathy is a complex process in which several cytokines, growth factors, and free radicals play a vital role. Molecular docking play a key role in structure based drug designing process and docking of other inhibitory compound related to diabetic retinopathy is fruitful for designing new drugs for its therapeutic purpose. The present multiple alignment study propose that a close association exists between cortistatin, somatostain and vitamin-D receptor proteins in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy, thus multi-eclectic approach is needed to fight diabetic retinopathy.