An adaptive design allows adaptations of trial and statistical procedures after its initiation without undermining the validity and integrity of the trial. In recent years, the use of adaptive designs in clinical research and development based on accrued data has become very popular due to its flexibility and efficiency. Multiple comparison procedures after using adaptive design methods in clinical trials have received much attention in recent literature. Certain types of cancers, like breast cancer, leukemia, a substantial proportion of patients may now be cured by treatment, i.e., cured proportion. The patients who are cured are called immunes or long-term survivors, while the remaining patients who develop a recurrence of the diseases are termed susceptible. The population of interest is thus divided into two groups viz., cured and noncured. Cure rate models provides satisfactory models in such cases. In this paper, it is proposed to discuss the adaptive design methods and its multiple comparison procedures concerning the development of Velcade intended for multiple myeloma using cure rate models. Numerical example is provided.