The purpose of the present study was to investigate the differences of body composition and blood pressure between the teaching and non-teaching male staff of the Dibrugarh University. The data pertaining to the study was collected from 30 teaching and 30 non-teaching male staff age ranging from 45 to 55 years in the year 2012. The collected data were statistically analyzed by employing the t-test and level of significance was observed at 0.05 level of confidence. The findings of the study reveal the significant difference between the groups in case of Total Body Weight (t0.05, 58= 3.09> 2.0017), Fate Weight (t0.05, 58= 3.89> 2.0017) and Diastolic Blood Pressure (t0.05, 58= 2.59> 2.0017). No significant difference was observed in case of Lean Body weight (t0.05, 58= 1.59< 2.0017) and Systolic Blood Pressure (t0.05, 58= 1.92< 2.0017). It was also further observed that the teaching staff having more Body Weight (m= 69.30>62.80), Fate Weight (m= 21.04> 16.52), Lean Body Weight (m= 48.29>46.28) and less Systolic Blood Pressure (m=123.5<128.33) and Diastolic Blood Pressure (m=86.06><91.66) than the non-teaching staff respectively. On the basis of findings it was concluded that the teaching staff has better body weight than the non-teaching staff (TBW = 69.30>63.80) & Lean Body Weight (48.29>46.28) but non teaching staff has better body composition than teaching staff (16.52<21.04). It was also further concluded that the non teaching staff have higher blood pressure than the teaching staff (Systolic Blood Pressure: m=128.33>123.5 and Diastolic Blood Pressure: m=91.66>86.06).