Introduction: Dysmenorrhoea is one of the common problem experienced by many adolescent girls. To reduce the level of dysmenorrhoea as a part of complementary medicine mint and lemon juice was help full. Mint contains menthol oil which has anti spasmodic action on smooth muscle, considered to be caused by calcium channel blockade which reduces uterine contraction and menstrual cramps. Lemon acts as diuretic and reducing the bloating effect and menstrual cramps. Objective: To compare the effectiveness of mint juice versus lemon juice on dysmenorrhoea among adolescent girls. Material and methods: A Quantitative study was conducted in Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh state (India) from 4-2-15 to 18-3-15 .The study sample included 200 adolescent girls selected by simple random sampling technique. Results and discussion: The results reveal that with regard to comparison of effectiveness of mint juice versus lemon juice on dysmenorrhoea among adolescent girls in experimental group. In experimental group I the mean score is 6.30 with SD of 4.34 and in experimental group II the mean score is 5.20 with SD of 3.35.The calculated value of Z- test is 10.26 and table value is 2.42 and highly significant at the level of p<0.01. The above result indicates that mint juice is more effective in reducing dysmenorrhoea among adolescent girls than compared to lemon juice. Conclusion: The study concludes that mint juice and lemon juice were effective on reducing dysmenorrhea. Comparing to lemon juice, mint juice is more effective on reducing dysmenorrhea.