Background: Caring for a hemodialysis patient at home is indeed challenging. Unfortunately, the laxity and lack of knowledge as well as practices can be ahindrance to the caregiver during provision of care. A huge challenge arises when complications occur due to unsatisfactory care to these hemodialysis patients. Written information about the homecare management of patient on hemodialysis would surpass these challenges. AIM: To assess the effectiveness of a selfinstructional module on homecare management of patients on hemodialysis among caregivers to improve their existing knowledge and practice. Methods: A pre experimental approach was adopted to conduct this study on 60 samples who met the inclusion criteria. A structured questionnaire on knowledge and self-reported practices on homecare management of hemodialysis patients, was used. A pre-test was done followed by the distribution of self-instructional module and finally a post-test. Pilot study was done to obtain the reliability of the tool which was found to be 0.87 using split half method. Furthermore, main study was conducted. Analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings: 50% of the samples had good knowledge 45% had average knowledge and 5% had a poor score and 78.3% had good practice 21.7% had average practice in the pre-test. Following the administration of the self-instructional module the post-test revealed that the knowledge and practice improved to 100%