Introduction: Ectopic pregnancy accounts for 2% that of live births in developing countries though it may be high as 4% in ART group. It is most common cause of death during the first trimester approximately 10%. Risk factors includes PID, Tabacco smoking, prior tubal surgery, increased maternal age, use of assisted reproductive technology. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is key to reduce morbidity and mortality due to this condition. Aim &Objective: To study trend in ectopic pregnancy in Apollo hospital. Method: This is a cross sectional study in month of July2016 all those who were diagnosed to have ectopic pregnancy on USG and with B HCG values are included in study Result: From June 2015 to June 2016 (1 Year). Total no of surgically managed cases -7 Total no of medically managed cases -5.Total -12 In month of July 2016 total no of ectopic- 9 Incidence of ectopic has increased in one month and also it has presented with varied clinical features and early diagnosis and prompt treatment has reduced mortality in these patients. Conclusion: Since cases are rising and the presentation for this condition may vary but vigilant and prompt action is required to prevent any complication and to ensure the healthy outcome.