An Experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of different concentrations of Ethrel (500 ppm, 750 ppm and 1000 ppm) on ripening and quality of mango cv. Suvarnarekha fruits harvested at different stages of maturity (7-9oB TSS stage, 9-11oB TSS stage and 11-13oB TSS stage). The treated fruits were assessed for physicochemical parameters such as physiological loss in weight (%), firmness, TSS (oBrix), titrable acidity, total sugars along with organoleptic evaluation and observations were recorded at an interval of 3 days at ambient temperature. Ethrel treated fruits showed early and uniform ripening thereby enhancing the quality. Mango fruits harvested at 9-11°B TSS stage recorded better physico-chemical parameters and organoleptic score with good flavor, texture and overall acceptability. From the experiment it was concluded that the mango fruits cv. Suvarnarekha harvested at 9-11oB TSS stage and treated with ethrel at @ 500 ppm were significant and superior in quality.