The aim of the study was to to assess the knowledge, attitude and awareness regarding teledentistry among dental students of Kolkata, West Bengal, India. A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted among 200 dental students of a dental college & hospital in Kolkata. A self-administered structured questionnaire was circulated among the dental students and the completed questionnaires were statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics including percentages and Chi-square test. Results showed that majority of the respondents were of 18-25 years age[n=140(78.3%)] and gender distribution of sample was 81 males and 119 females. It was observed that knowledge, attitude and awareness were low among postgraduates when compared to first BDS, fourth BDS and interns. Most of the dental students agreed that teledentistry is a time saving approach(69%) but 38.5% said that it is not cost-effective. 42.5% of the participants responded neutrally for the statement that dental procedures can be done more accurately with the help of computers and intraoral camera and 45.5% agreed that teledentistry can help in dental tourism. It can be concluded from the study results that a fair knowledge, attitude and awareness exists regarding teledentistry, its benefits, applicability, and drawbacks among the dental students of Kolkata. In future, this budding technology could be incorporated in dentistry effectively by increasing campaigns/programs promoting teledentistry.