Background: A high temperature compared to normal in postoperative first forty-eight hours or immediate postoperative fever is commonly observed and raises anxiety both in the patient than in the caregiver himself. This last is still in trouble whether the fever is related or no to infection especially when the operation is clean. This study aims to determine association between the immediate postoperative fever and infection after clean operations (Class I of Althemeir) in order to limit the misuse of antibiotics and antimalarials. Patients and Methods: This is a prospective study led at the Referral General Hospital of Kabondo, in the city of Kisangani to north-eastern of Democratic Republic of Congo, with 209 operated. Data were recorded on Excel spreadsheet and analyzed with SPSS 20 software. Results: In the immediate postoperative period, 29 (13.87%) operated presented fever. 51.72% of these fevers were moderate around 38°C to 39°C. Caesareans predominated (48.27%). The systemic inflammatory syndrome was found in 55.17% of the cases followed of the malaria in 41.38% of which 37.93% with the positive thick drop. All operated were under a post-operative systematic antibiotherapy (100%) and 55.17% of operated received association antibiotics, antipyretics and antimalarials. Conclusion: Most of immediate post-operative fever after a clean operation is not infectious although malaria remains as significant cause in countries with malaria endemicity.