Optimal facial esthetics is one of the objectives in orthodontic treatment. The purpose of this study was to measure and verify the esthetic in uence of the buccal corridors (negative or black spaces) during smile. The material consisted Frontal smile photographs of 10 adults (5 females,5 males) of native Hyderabad population. The overall plan was to alter the amount of buccal corridor space in the subject’s smiling images and to have these images judged for smile attractiveness by a panel of Laypeople, Orthodontists, and Fashion technology experts (Each group includes 5 male judges and 5 female judges).A consistent relationship between smile fullness (buccal corridor) and smile attractiveness was shown in this study. On average, broad smile fullness was rated the best, followed by medium-broad fullness, medium fullness, and medium-narrow smile fullness. Narrow smile fullness was rated least attractive.