Background: This study aims to evaluate effects of low intensity TENS with exercises on Vastus medialis obliques activation for osteoarthritis knee. Methodology: The study comprised of 38 participants with chronic osteoarthritis knee (19 in each group) in the age group of 50-70 years as per ACR diagnostic criteria. Group A received conventional exercises. Group B received TENS on Vastus Medialis Obliques muscle additionally. They were assessed using the NRS, Modified WOMAC, Bergs Balance Scale and 30 Second Chair Stand Test. Results: Intra group analysis reported significant reduction in pain(p=0.00) level(on NRS- 63.6% in group A and 39.6% in group B; on WOMAC- 72.4% in group A and 36.6% in group B), increase in function by 56.4% in group A and 33% in group B(p=0.00), and improvement in strength by 35% in group A and 0.2% in group B(p=0.00). No significant improvement was noted on inter group comparison in pain (p= 0.086), function (p= 0.066) and strength (p=0.190) post 12 weeks of intervention. Conclusion: Findings from present study report application of Low Intensity TENS for Vastus Medialis Obliques muscle activation along with exercise versus conventional exercises demonstrated no significant difference on chronic osteoarthritis knee patients for pain, function and strength.