Acute menopausal symptoms include vasomotor phenomena (eg. hot flushes and night sweats), and psychosomatic symptoms that is differently experienced in people with mental, social and cultural characteristics. The most common symptom during the menopausal period that women suffering from, is hot flushes. The pathophysiology of hot flushes is unknown, however, the reduction and cessation of estrogen hormone plays an important role in instability of thermoregulatory center in hypothalamus. Various studies express significant tendency of women to complementary therapies, acupuncture and medicinal plants due to low side effects and their optimal effects. Nettle with the scientific name of urticadioica contains phytoestrogen components such as flavonoids, sterols such as beta sitostrol and lignans. Acupuncture is also a healthy and accessible method with minimal side effects that can be effective for the treatment of hot flushes. According to the above-mentioned effectiveness of complementary medicine, we decided to design a clinical trial to evaluate the effect of nettle plant and acupuncture in controlling hot flushes symptom.