Saleh Bay (Sumbawa Island, Indonesia) waters suitable for edible jellyfish (scyphozoan) Crambione mastigophora Maas 1903. Fishermen in Saleh Bay exploited the scyphozoan since 2006. The problem in scyphozoan resources is not yet known of stock and exploitation status. This research was conducted during 01st September 2014 - 15th December 2014. Research method is survey and simple random sampling. Total scyphozoan samples were 104 individuals are catched on October-December. The aims of this study were to know: growth pattern and body shape, potential stock and exploitation status and sustainability status of scyphozoan fisheries resources management. Method of data analysis used assessment of growth patterns with simple regression method, stock assessment using surplus production model of Gordon-Schaefer (1959) and standing stock using method of Walter and Hilborn (1992). Analysis of the sustainability status of scyphozoan fisheries management using RAPJELLYFISH method is modified from RAPFISH. The first study that apply the RAPJELLYFISH method is this study. The growth pattern of scyphozoan is allometric negative and body shape is slim. MSY of scyphozoan resource is 33,261.18 tons/year, the yield in 2013 amounted to 32.115.26 tons and the exploitation status is “fully exploited”. Meanwhile, RAP analysis results indicate the present sustainability status is “quite sustainable” and results of Leverage analysis indicate there are 19 attributes classified as “sensitive attributes”. As for resources security and improving of the sustainability status, needed a model of sustainable management of edible jellyfish fisheries resources to develop strategies and actions pla